Here am I again, food hunting!!!
Hmm, what am I going to have my lunch today? Yeah, one idea just came across to my mind. I decided to go Padang Brown Hawker Centre, which located opposite of Convent Datuk Kramat. The stalls there opened at 2pm till 6pm only. Take note of this ya.
The view of the centre, which located beside the road.
Dim Sum during lunch time? Well, this stall is very famous around the area, because the Dim Sums are very fresh and delicious.
Yummy~ I want to have this too, but sigh, I cannot eat too much as I planned to eat Cucuk Udang.
My favorite food there, Cucuk Udang!
The Cucuk Udang is freshly fried and it served hot! A nice side dish for the lunch of everyone.
Famous Cucuk Udang, Fish Balls and Potatoes. Oh ya, I brought these back and have with my grandmother.
Another famous stall at there, Lok Lok. I can see a lots of people around the stall every time I go there. Delicious and tasty, I tried once before.
Another one of my favorite food there, Popiah.
Tempting popiah and can make your saliva is flooding around.
Aiya, I forgot to take a photo for the beverage stall there. I bought back one pack of Cocoa Ice there, to match with my lunch. =p
My lunch just now, tempting!
Well, I admitted that I'm a food hunter, and I admitted that I can't resist for delicious food, hehe. I'm sure some of you are just like me, am I right? *laughing~*
37 則留言:
You are pro food hunter! I just visited your blog about food this afternoon and tonight you added another food post, geng!
I admit that i am also a food lover but i don't know where is the place~ maybe next time you should post up some map too so that we know where to eat delicious food, hehe~
Uh oh~~ my stomach is groaning, your fault.=p
Thanks for visiting my blog so often!
hehe.. proud of that!
haha, actually I like to go and search for delicious food and post to here as I never did that... haha, I seldom post up the maps, unless is outstation lar... because in Penang mar...
U can ask me directly if u wan to go there, the best is I bring u go lar... hehe...
walao~long time no come here yamcha when come back~make my stomach sing song~how are you ??
Haha, you are so funny, i am just joking with you, if you really post the map then the hawker should pay you for advertising their food. Ohh~ you are penang lang, that's why i never heard of the place. Ok, next time if i go to Penang, you need to bring me to many many delicious stalls ohh~ thanks~ ^^
I'm fine here... glad to see u coming over here... how ya there???
Hey, I cant give comment in ur blog lar, how???
Ya lor, I think I have to ask for advertising fees from the hawkers lor... haha...
I'm a typical Penang lang, haha... of course, it is my great pleasure to bring u go around Penang... do contact me if u planning to come here ya... hehe... ^^
Fuuuuu Yooooohhh...
I really cannot tahan already!!!
You keep tempting me ahh!!
i hope to have a dim sum now~~
u r really good in hunting food. this one i cannot fight u. hahaha. but hor, must control of what u eat also, if not, u will like rubbish bin, all also sapu! wakakakaka.
hehe, sometimes I have to remind u about the food in Malaysia... hehe... wish u can come back earlier lor... ^^
Choy Yin:
can, come to Penang lar, I bring u go there... hehe...
I cannot compete with u lar, u are a professional food hunter lar... I din eat all actually, got some I really don eat... haha...
dim sum~~~~~~~~yummi~~~~ i've been long time didnt touch dim sum le.......x.x
cucuk udang.....seems tasty..OMG....x.x
哈, 想吃的话就来这里吧, 我就招待你咯, 带你去吃好料... 嘻嘻... ^^
槟城是美食天堂嘛... 没问题啊, 你来这里, 可以让我知道, 好让我安排带你出去走走咯...
Wow Akira
I come your blog, i hungry liao... so many yummy yummy food....
When i go Penang, wounder will u be my tour guide? kekeke...
cocoa ice looked nice!
fei lou, still eat kuk...wait ur stomach bocor d la
wondering eat "lok lok"..KL's lok lok very the expansive T__T
o my god
everytime food food!
i hungry up now! 12:45am.. haha
Kay, no problem, jz inform me when u wan to come here ya...
hehe, glad to see u back here... Yup, the cocoa ice is extremely nice... hehe...
don say like that lar, paiseh neh...
Yup, KL lok lok is very expensive ler... come to Penang lor... hehe...
Congratz man, u came at the correct timing, it is time to make u hungry... hehe...
i found that most of the foods u post also is 家乡菜~~haha~sure make most of them 加倍思亲le~wakaka..apologize for my poor eng..cant express well..=.="""
Sai Ling:
Yup, I prefer to post the local food here lor... hehe... trying to make them missing the homes? good mar, that time can see them back home~~~
loklok 很久没吃,因为这里不值得吃...
别这样说嘛, 你过来这里啦, 我带你去吃哦, 好吗? 你那边的乐乐不好吃啊, 你住在哪里呢?
padang brown?..... nearly sleep there every night... just for the food..
haha... just kidding...
the food there... ok la... wan tan mee... not bad.. will post abt it...
Wan Tan Mee? hmm, I seldom go there at nite, so cannot take the photos ler... hahaha...
speaking abt food
since u r from up north
any idea if u can help this blogger ?
do u know that CKT man ?
oh, if not mistaken the CKT is at Lebuh Cecil there... a famous morning and evening pasar place in the city...
pls go there to reply lar...
tks ! ^_^
i never saw this kind of food before~
(LOLZ!!!really out la me...LOLZ!)
but seems very tasty...
my favourite, potatoes~
Hi, Akira you are right the CKT seller is at Lebuh Cecil. He operate at two different location morning at Street no.4 (in hokkien) as I cann't remember the actual street name in front of one coffee shop and afternoon he will operate at Lebuh Cecil Market and toward yr's suprise is he bare foot.
haha, as requested, I already reply lor...
haha, u can go to eat there mar, then u will know how true am I lor...
thanks for dropping by ya... haha, welcome ya~~
gosh.. ur food is more tempting k!!
I missed Semenanjung food..
hawker's food especially, cheap and nice!
haha, Penang is famous of food paradise wat~ Ur place there also got nice food mar... I want to eat also lor...
tks so much ~ ^_^
You are very welcome... ^^