2008年9月30日 星期二

Advance Birthday Present from Sharon

It's present time!!!

My birthday is on 18 November, and I received an advance birthday present from Sharon last week. Sharon, a nice blogger from Singapore, and I felt glad to meet her in this blogging world.

我的生日是在11月18号, 不过我在上星期收到了由
Sharon提早寄来的生日礼物. Sharon, 一位很好的博客, 而我很开心可以遇见她呢.

So what are the presents she sent to me? Let's check it out...

她到底寄了什么礼物给我呢? 让我们来看看吧...

Ta-daa!!! My earlier birthday present!!!

塔达!!! 我的提早生日礼物!!!

The Art of Living
"The Path Towards Happiness, Enjoyment and Virtue"

"通往幸福, 快乐与美德之路"

My god!!! This is the VCD of Money No Enough, the 10th Anniversary Release!!! For 10 years, still No. 1 Local Movie Box Office Hit!!!

我的天啊!!! 这是钱不够用VCD哦, 而且还是十周年从新登场!!! 十年后, 还是新加玻No. 1票房的本地电影!!!

A lovely pig Birthday card


Reply to Sharon:
Haha, don't be kiasu, actually I really surprised to get this present!!! Thanks ya!!!

哈哈, 不要kiasu, 其实我真的感觉到很惊喜可以收到你的礼物!!! 谢谢你哦!!!

I received another book from her also, which is "When The Life Remains Countdown"!!! I think she wants me to get a better life than now!!! =p

我也收到另一本书哦, 那就是, 当生命剩下最后倒数!!! 我想她是要我的生活比现在更好哦...

Sharon, thanks for the present ya!!! I really appreciated it!!!

Sharon, 谢谢你的礼物哦!!! 我真的很感激呢!!!

2008年9月29日 星期一



我想有些朋友都期待这篇文章很久了吧? 嘻嘻... 因为啊, 这篇文章是要公布在"猜灯谜游戏"里获奖的名单哦!!!! 让大家都久等了, 不好意思哦...

好啦, 我要公布啦!!! 会是谁呢? 会是谁呢?

别这么紧张, 先看看答案吧...

1) 沟里走, 沟里串. 背了针, 忘了线. (猜一动物)
答案: 刺谓... (这题好像很简单, 全部朋友都猜对了)

2) What key has legs and can't open doors?

Answer: Turkey... (Monkey有手啊!!!)

丈二和尚 (猜一人物称谓)
答案: 高僧... (有朋友猜摸不着头脑咯...)

4) What common English verb becomes its own past tense by rearranging its letters?

Answer: Eat to Ate (Pretty easy...)

5) 黑狗 (猜一字)

答案: 默... (不是黑狗酒哦!!!)

6) You can see it, but you can't touch it. It may disappear, but has never really left you. It grows throughout the day. What is it?

Answer: Shadow.. (Guess correct?)

7) 平日不思, 中秋想你, 有方有圆, 又甜又蜜. (猜一甜点)

答案: 月饼... (就是趁这时候猜这个的啊!!!)

8) Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired?

Answer: Santa Claus... (Got friend answered "常娥", =p)

唐僧西行何所图 (猜一成语)
答案: 一本正经... (这题也是很简单哦!)

10) What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?

Answer: Keyboard... (Quite easy also!!!)

11) "...就像带走每条河流, 所有受过的伤, 所有流过的泪...." (猜一歌名)

答案: 大海... (看来大家都很熟悉这首歌呢!!!)

12) Which candle burns longer: a black one or a white one?

Answer: Both... (Haha, both are the same!!!)

一人两张嘴 (猜一字)
答案: 侣... (不是"哈"哦!!!)

14) Why is a river rich?

Answer: Because it got river banks... (Got friend answered "Because the bank is damn rich!!!" XD)

15) 他曾以数十骑拒曹操大军, 被刘备誉为“一身都是胆”. (猜一名将)

答案: 赵云... (都是很简单啦, 不是关羽哦!!!)

16) The more you take away, the bigger I am. What am I?

Answer: Hole... (Wow, all answered correct!!!)

多少楼台烟雨中. (猜一自然现象)
答案: 雾... (很多奇怪的答案来到我这里呢...)

18) What table has no leg?

Answer: Timetable or Vegetable... (Not periodic table, not chemistry table ya...)

19) 精忠报国 (猜一人物)

答案: 岳飞... (不懂的朋友可以去读历史了咯...)

20) If it takes three minutes to boil one egg, how long does it take to boil ten eggs?

Answer: Three Minutes... (All answered correct, seems very easy!!!)

Bonus Questions:
21) 我的生日是几时呢? (提示: 可以去翻查以前的文章)
答案: 11月18号... (你们现在应该懂了吧? 嘻嘻...)

22) 我喜欢死神里的哪一位角色呢?
答案: 六番队队长-白哉!!! 超喜欢他的!!! (大白, 也就是我!!!)

23) 我时常说7734206, 是什么意思呢?

答案: Go 2 Hell = Go To Hell, 用计算机按了, 然后倒反, 会看到9O2hELL吧? (哈哈, 想不到吧? 这是君子型的骂人哦!!!)

24) "一天一万年", 这首歌的原唱者是谁呢?
答案: 游鸿明!!! 我的偶像哦!!! 唱K必选他的歌!!!

25) Leo Club的L.E.O.是什么意思呢?

答案: Leadership, Experience and Opportunity... The Opportunity to Experience Leadership... Yeah!!!


我收到了11位朋友的参与哦, 而我决定把奖品分给5位最快答对最多题的朋友....
Ah-hem!!! Ladies and Gentlemen!!! 当当当!!!! 5位幸运儿是.....

1) 小薰妈妈 (首先答对, 又全对哦!!! 你真是"神"!!!)
2) Spirited (Yeah, hit correct, perfectly!!!)
Jamie (只答错一题呢!!!)
4) Shi Shi (也是答错一题而已呢!!!)
5) Invisible (你很幸运呢, 答错三题的朋友有两位, 你是最快的!!!)


以上的朋友将获得我送出的礼物哦, 每位都有三份小礼物... 会是什么礼物呢? 先卖个关子, 等你们收到了就会知道了哦... 请把你们的名字和地址发到我的伊妹儿里, akira_wah@yahoo.com...

还有其他参与的六位朋友, 请你们别放弃哦...

Put, TC, Veronica, Choy Yin, John珊姑娘.

以上的朋友, 这次例外哦, 我也特别准备了一份小礼物给你们呢...
所谓皆大欢喜嘛! 下次要多多加油哦!
别惊讶, 对了, 是你们啊, 你们也得到礼物哦!!!! 快快发资料给我哦!!!

(照片而已哦, 真的礼物还没准备好呢!!!)

这次是我第一次举办游戏嘛, 所以就送礼物给所有参加者哦!!!
想不到吧? 都叫你们参与啦... 嘻嘻... 下不为例哦!!! 呵呵!!!

谢谢大家的参与呢!!! Round 2的竞赛在筹备着了, 想得到礼物的朋友就守住这里哦!!!

2008年9月28日 星期日

KL Trip: Rukun Road's Siew Yuk & Char Siew

It's lunch time!!!

After the breakfast at Sri Petaling, we went to Jalan Rukun, at Taman Kuchai Lama, to try the famous Roast Pork "Siew Yuk" and Char Siew.
Roast pork or "siew yuk" is something that many Chinese love and it's such a common thing that you can find it at almost any chinese coffee shop. But while it may be common, there are few places that do it well.

The famous Roast Pork "Siew Yuk" and Char Siew, actually located in a corner coffee shop, Kedai Kopi & Makanan Mooi Mooi.

Yan Chee brought us to this place, and finally I got the chance to taste it, because the shop was closed when I went to there few times before.

It was warm when it was served to us.

We all agreed that the Roast Pork and Char Siew were good. With bit of fats (not too much), its skin was crispy while the meat was tender and moist.

Yummy, it is so delicious and mouth-watering taste!!!

For sure I will visit this stall again when I come to KL next time!!!

2008年9月27日 星期六

A Brand New TAG!!!

It's tagging time!!!

Ok, fine!!! Since so many friends tagged me for quite few times (or should I say many?), now, here is the day, I'm going to create a brand new TAG and starts the rolling of tag around!!! Hopefully this tag can pass to lotsa friends!!!

好!!! 既然这么多朋友发TAG给我几次(可以说很多次吗?), 现在, 就是今天, 我将做出新的一个TAG来让这循环下去!!! 希望这个TAG可以传给很多朋友呢!!!

Here it goes, and this will let your friends know more about you...

就开始吧, 而这个会让你的朋友更加认识你呢...

Question: What is your name? (Please give one answer)
1. Wah Si Sheng 华思胜.... 总算知道我的名字了吧?

Question: What is your nickname? (Please give two answers)
1. Akira... 意思是"亮", 是朋友取给我的...
2. God of Death... 意思是"死神", 跟我名字的音很接近吧, 呵呵...

Question: Three books which you often read? (Please give three answers)
1. The Case Files of Kindaichi... 金田一少年の事件簿, 超喜欢的!!!
2. Detective Conan... 你们也知道我喜欢柯南了吧?
3. Hiyawu's series...
相信当中的朋友也喜欢藤井树的作品吧? 嘻嘻...

Question: The things gained from Blogging?
(Please give four answers)
1. Get to know a lots of friends... 这是真的呢, 朋友认识到不少呢...
2. Lotsa delicious food which introduced by friends... 我又开始流口水了呢...

3. The things happened around us... 八卦也算吧? 哈...

4. Improve knowledge... 真的可以增加知识, 毕竟我们各自经历的事物是不同的...

Question: Your favorite food? (Please give five answers)
1. Japanese food!!! 日本餐!!!
2. Hokkien Mee... 流口水了...

3. Char Siew & Roasted Pork Rice... 被朋友影响到了, 呵呵...

4. Western Food... 相信很多朋友也喜欢吧...

5. Mum's cooking!!! 妈妈煮的料理还真的很好吃呢!!!

Question: Favorite songs? (Please give six answers)
1. I Do (Cherish You) - 98 Degrees... 至尊情歌!!!
2. 爱我的人和我爱的人 - 游鸿明...

3. Best In Me - Blue...

4. 原来爱 - Ben白吉胜...

5. This I Swear - Nick Lachey...

6. 你知道我爱你 - 邱泽...

Question: Places that you wish to go? (Please give seven answers)
1. Japan!!! 梦想中的地方呢!!!
2. Greece... 很想带我的她去那边的神话世界一起游玩呢...

3. Sipadan Island... 去潜水看海底世界!!!

4. Manchester United... 当然是想去看足球呢...

5. China... 这么多的中国地方可以去呢...

6. Disneyland... 人生中一定要去一次!!!

7. New York!!! 想去见识那边的贸易世界!!!

Question: All-time favorite movies, dramas, or animes? (Please give eight answers)
1. Heroes!!! 现在开始Season 3!!!
2. Bleach... 死神!!! 啊, 已经喜欢到无法自拔了...
3. 仙剑奇侠传... 沉醉于凄美的武侠爱情故事里...
Gundam Seed & Gundam Seed Destiny... 没法子, 我就是喜欢...
5. The Rock...
6. Transformers...
7. Lords of the Rings trilogy...
8. Face Off!!! 超经典的!!!

Question: Items that you wish to obtain? (Please give nine answers)

1. iPhone
2. DSLR Camera
3. Bleach 的周边产品...
4. Manchester United's merchandise items...
5. All Gundam models in the world!!! 这梦想未免太大了吧?
6. Honda Civic!!!
7. Twilight novel series... 听说真的很好看...
8. Own portrait... 不懂画出来的还会像我吗?
A piano...

Question: You want to pass this tag to? (Please give the names of 10 friends)
1. Levian
2. Sharon
3. Kikey
4. Invisible
5. Jamie
6. Jeff
7. 小少
8. 店长
10. 静如

That's all for the brand new TAG which I created, and I hope you guys can give me some "facey" and have fun doing it ya!!! Hehe.... =p

好啦, 我已经设计好这个新的TAG了呢, 而我当然希望你们可以给我一滴滴的"面子", 去享受和完成这个吧... 嘻嘻... =p

2008年9月26日 星期五

Sungai Pinang Pasar Ramadan

It's dinner time!!!

I went to Sungai Pinang Pasar Ramadan yesterday evening, which located just beside my residence area. Yeah, I can get some Malays local food quite often!!! The Pasar Ramadan starts the business at around 5pm, to get some Chinese and Indian customers, and then follow by Buka Puasa period at around 6.30pm.

It is so crowded here!!!

Believe me, there were lots of Chinese and Indians who came here just to get some dinners back home.

Yeah, this is my favorite!!! Mini Murtabak, and the price is quite mini too, just RM1 only!!!

Vincent, here you are, the Roti John!!!

Roti John, essentially an omelette sandwich, is a popular Malay breakfast and snack item in Malaysia and Singapore. The ingredients include minced chicken, onion, egg, tomato-chilli sauce and a loaf of bread.

Don't play play, Malays knew how to cook Char Koay Teow with their own recipe!!!

This is one of my favorites too, Ayam Percik. It is a Spicy Barbecued Chicken and it tastes really good and delicious!!!

Did you visit the Pasar Ramadan before, somewhere around your residence area? Well, I'm sure you will find lots of delicious food there too!!!

Selamat Hari Raya Puasa to all my Muslim friends!!!

2008年9月25日 星期四

Being Frighten!!! 被吓死了!!!

I went back very late last night, and I passed by an alleyway...
It was very dark...

And suddenly I saw something at beside...

As I slowly turn my sight to the right...
To my horror, I was shocked and frighten!!!

I thought our Earth has been invaded by ALIENS!!!!
Guess what did I see?

昨晚, 我回家的时候, 已经很夜了, 而我经过了一条小巷...

突然间, 我看到某样东西在旁边...


超恐怖的, 我当场被吓到了!!!


Who is the idiot that hang these sleeve-fishes like this!!!



I copied the photo from email and created a "not so horror" story, hope you don't mind ya!!! Hehe...
TGI Friday!!! Weekend is coming!!!

我从伊妹儿拿下这照片, 然后做了这个"没这么恐怖"的故事, 希望大家不要介意呀!!! 呵呵...
星期五了!!! 周末来临了!!!

^ _____^


2008年9月24日 星期三

KL Trip: Hong Kong Miu-Kai Restaurant

It's breakfast time!!!

After the breakfast at Clan Restaurant, we went to Hong Kong Miu-Kai Restaurant for some buns. Since it is near with the place, we decided to drop by and buy some Polo Buns. We went there at around 10am, and luckily it was opened and have prepared some buns for the customers already.

It is located at Jalan Radin Anum, Sri Petaling, just near with the Hotel Sri Petaling.

"The menu features the best of Hong Kong specialities expertly prepared by the Chef. Yum Char or Dim Sum is available for daily lunch, with a wide selection of bakery and dim sum favourites on offer. The elegance of the comfortable interior is reflected in the harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary design." - quoted from here.

The take away counter for the Bakeries and Pastries.

The Polo Buns have been prepared and ready to be sold.

We bought two Polo Buns and shared together. The first one is the Butter Polo Bun. The outer layer is crispy and the inside is so soft and fluffy. Strong recommendation on this!!!

Another one is Yam Polo Bun. As you can see, the base is made by yam. It tastes great too!!!

If you happen to pass by around this area, don't forget to get these Polo Buns back home ya, and I'm sure you guys will love it too!!!

2008年9月23日 星期二

Happy Birthday to you, Ah Xiang!

A special dedication to my good friend, Ah Xiang...
一个特别的奉献给我的好朋友, 阿香...

Today is 23 September, and Ah Xiang is celebrating something, and guess what, today is her birthday!!! Happy Birthday to you ya!!!

今天是9月23日, 而阿香就在今天庆祝了某件事, 对啦, 今天就是她的大日子啦!!! 生日快乐哦!!!

Let me introduce who is this lovely blogger ya!!!



"About her

为什么 ~ 迷迭香の低调的华丽 因为超爱周董的...
为什么 ~ 迷迭香 因为我喜欢做猫...
为什么 ~ 低调的华丽 因为很想低调 可是又不甘于平淡..."

As a blogger, she writes diary in her blog daily, with the cute emoticons all over the place.

身为博客, 她把每天的日记写在部落格里, 而当然, 可爱的图案布满在里面呢.

Her blog became the place for "The Battle for Sofa"!!! =p

她的部落格也变成了"沙发争夺战"的地方呢!!! =p

She is an awesome blogger, and she received quite a numbers of gifts from her blog's friends!!! How wonderful!!!

她是位很棒的博客呢, 因为她收到了很多博友送出的礼物哦!!! 好好呢!!!

She loves the Bleach, and that is my favorite too!!!

她很喜欢死神哦, 那个也是我喜爱的动画片呢!!!

Wow, a nice photo over here!!! She likes to take different kind of sky photos!!!

哇, 不错的照片呢!!! 她也很喜欢拍下各种形式的天空照片呢!!!

Wanna know her more? Just click
this, and visit her blog now! I'm sure you will find her blog interesting too!!!

想要更加认识她吗? 只要按这里, 然后去她家拜访一下! 我相信你也会觉得她的部落格很有特色呢!!!

Ah Xiang, Happy Birthday to you! Hope you will like this gift!
Y ( ^ _ ^ ) Y

Best wishes from me, and all the best in future undertakings ya!!!

2008年9月22日 星期一

Surprise from Sharon and Shu Ying

It's present time!!!

What a surprise!!! Another surprise presents which I received last week, which are from Sharon and Shu Ying. Both of them are from very far places, where Sharon is from Singapore while Shu Ying is from Johor. Both of them are so nice!!!

The first present I received is from Sharon! You see, got Singapore's stamps somemore!!!

Wow, got two kinds of waffles inside, which are Hanuta Hazelnut Waffle, and Tunnock's Milk Chocolate Waffle. Yeah, it is so crunchy and delicious!!!

I received one magnet from the Singapore Garden Festival, and a handmade wooden clip! I already put the magnet on the refrigerator!!!

Postcard from Singapore, yeah!!!

"Catch an enthralling and fascinating view of Singapore's City Skyline and its surrounding island as the Cable Car glides through the sky."

Reply to Sharon:

Thanks for the present, as I will cherish them always. I'm glad and honour to know you through blogging too!!! Thanks for supporting me all the time!!!

Another postcard I received, is from Shu Ying, when she traveled to Sarawak.

"The Annual Boat Race at Sarawak River, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The Astana (Governor's residence) in the distance."

Reply to Shu Ying:

Thanks for your postcard too! Although I don't have the chance to meet you in person, but I'm sure you are a nice friend to talk to!!! Keep in touch ya!!!

Thanks to the presents which I received from fellow blog's friends!!! Indeed, Blogging Rocks!!!

2008年9月21日 星期日

Wedding Dinner between Andy and Irene

It's wedding time!!!

Last Sunday, I went to Andy and Irene's wedding dinner at Lee Association. The bridegroom is my good friend, for sure I will go to there!!! Wish the couple happiness also!!!

The backdrop

The decoration items

The view for the wedding dinner

Yeah, I took a nice shot for both of them, which they smiled to each other!!!

Let's welcome the newly-wed couple!!!

The newly-wed couple, Irene and Andy.

Sorry folks, no photos on the food this time, as the friends on the table didn't give me time to take photos! Guess they are quite hungry that time!!!

Champagne pouring!!!

Aikz, being called up to sing some songs for the couple!!!

Don't forget to take some photos while singing too! XD

Yam..... Yam..... Yam..... Yam..... Yam.... Yam.... Seh!!!!

Cheers!!! Let's roar, hehe, because we are a group of Leo members!!!

Not forget to wish my friend and his wife, wish ya happiness always!!!