2008年6月19日 星期四

Team Building 2 - Leo Forum 2008

It's team building time!!!

Continue to the previous post on 2 weeks ago, Team Building 1 - Leo Forum 2008, as I got the latest photos recently. Just want to show you all some photos more onto the event on the 1st day of Leo Forum 2008.

As I mentioned in previous post, there were few games which the delegates required to complete in the time given, and of course, teamwork is important in Team Building!

The team members gathered around in a circle and introduced themselves as they do not know each other from the first place. After that, a leader will be elected and try to lead the team to success.

Team Cheer, the team must create a team cheer which related to the team's name. Some of teams even sang and danced for the team cheer.

Spider Webs, the members will require to pass through the lines and they cannot touch or hold the lines.

5 Squares, each member will have to lie down their head and half of the body on each other lap with the foot on the ground. They will stand by that position for 3 minutes. Well, it is quite easy for 4 persons!

But it is not an easy task for a big circle like this! Guys, please hold on and don't fall!

Build a Tower, the teams will have to try and build the highest straw tower standing within 20 minutes. The members tried to build a strong base to hold the tower.

How to build the tallest straw tower? Well, just try and see!

Longest Line, every team members will have to be involved in this game and try to make the longest line. The members can use their belongings and items they have to create the line.

Well, you can see the delegates put all the items (shoes, shoe lines, socks, belts, bottles and even money!).

Okay, let's try to make the longest line by lying down together! Let's do it folks!

Haha, some of them even put their shirts to make the line even longer!

The members also need to collect the recycled items and design something special! What is it?

Tada! Here is it! The creative costume which created by the members by using the recycled items! CAUTION: THIS IS NOT AKIRA!!!

Thanks to District 308 B2 and Mr. KokahKok for such wonderful photos!

There are more photos regarding to the Fashion Show of the creative costumes! Please stay tune on tomorrow ya!

56 則留言:

K3ViN 提到...


Kikey Loo 提到...


levian 提到...

the spider web seemed interesting !! but kinda embarrassing having others stared at you while you tried to get through. XD but as for the costume .. !! *cough*

Kikey Loo 提到...

aiyah, today sit on the floor!!

i love all those games...

i joined a lot of camp, when i was in secondary school n university...
so some of the games, i had played before.. fun!! :D

iamlz 提到...

The lying on lap game seems fun!! =D Really need to have good 腰力 leh~ Interesting!

sally^^ 提到...

really got a long time dint play games ord..

Dragon 提到...

u finally got all the photos from kok liao ar.... hehehe.

bearlim 提到...

so nice~
suddenly think of stjohn camp..missing those time in stjohn :)

SockPeng 提到...


Chobits 提到...

So fun! I also want to play! ^^

Spider Web: I think this game is hard for fat buddy haha~ ^^ All people also need to go through?

Five Square: This is challenging, i can see those guys hold very hard, haha~

Build a Tower: Never take the tallest straw photo? Hehe~

Longest Line: Sweat..>.<" They even took out clothes to make the line longer, well done for them! Haha~

Creative Costume: LOL!! Funny costume, I saw a guy standing behind wearing angel wing made of newspaper, haha..so cute!
Of cuz this guy in front is not you (he is skinnier =p)

Looking forward to see the fashion show ya. ^^

萤火虫*.* 提到...


Akira 思胜 提到...

Well done for you again, my dear VIP! Hehe...

Gosh, are u serious everyday? haha... so fast!!!

You are kind fast for today too!

Akira 思胜 提到...

Well, the spider webs game is kinda interesting, but as you said, quite emabarrassing right? I think would be yes too! Because when if you mistouch the line, I think the crowd will laugh for sure! Haha.

The costume is kinda cool! Hehe...

Akira 思胜 提到...

Yeah, the time when I was in school, lotsa games to be played! Hehe, but I missed my last time moments too!

yeah, that game really need a lots of concentration too! Interesting rite? hehe...

Well, you can ask your friends and form a group for team building? I can give you ideas for that... hehe..

Akira 思胜 提到...

Haha, actually I got those photos from website... haha...

Oh, last time you are from st john? That's fun and cool! I always admire the ability of St John members...

Sock Peng:

Akira 思胜 提到...

Hehe, successfully made you feel want to play also!

Yup, all members will need to get through the spider webs for sure!

Haha, the guys are trying so hard to get themselves holding on the ground for long period of time.

I never see the tallest straw tower too, because I'm not the photographer anyway! Haha. XD

Haha, when I saw the Longest line photos I also laughed a lots!

Yeah, they are pretty creative though, guess someday they can be a designer! haha...

Akira 思胜 提到...

哈哈, 你也可以参与的啊...

A Whole New World 提到...

hahaha... new photos...

Tau Sar Phneah 提到...

good to see all those photos..recall back my old kerepot sweet time in school..lol..

i like the half body lying on your fren's leg then ake a square..that's really something great to try out..

and, the last pic..hahaha..i almost thought it was you..but it wasnt..haha..

Miney 提到...


匿名 提到...

I got a long time never play on this type of game ler...

missing the day in camp, activities in secondary school...wahahha

JiaNi 提到...

好像很好玩hor?? =P

K3ViN 提到...

the last picture of course no u lah Akira..... he cant fight u lor..... haha.. if u both stand 2gether, sure Akira win lor :P those picture really recall me sweet memory again...... but ur one much more clean then us last time..... I believe if u all ar Scout or PBSM... u will understand what i mean......

Keith 提到...

I want to make sense of all I saw. wild... Thank you for visiting www.fatgrocer.blogspot.com

傻鱼 提到...


迷迭香 提到...

i like that newspaper dress, so creative ~~ :p

Akira 思胜 提到...

Yeah, I just got all of them only... Hehe...

Haha, my photos really can make lots of ppl recall their past memories in school ya~ Hehe...

That is not me for sure, not that handsome and not that sexy also! Haha...

哈哈, 有点难度而已啦, 你来尝试看看就知道咯...

Akira 思胜 提到...

Choy Yin:
Maybe someday u will get involve in this kind of activities also... hehe...

这个我就不懂啦, 因为我没下去玩啊... 不过看样子应该是很好玩咯... 哈...

haha, I know wat u mean, but we cannot play those kind of games in Forum... It is way too dirty and we need them to get prepare for next event also... No time for us... And somemore they will complain also...

Akira 思胜 提到...

You are welcome ya!!!

哈哈, 我现在还年轻嘛, 就可以一直搞类似的活动咯...

Luckily that person is not me! Haha...

levian 提到...

no it isn't !! you've got "one of a kind" taste. (in quotes !!) XD about the spider web, crowd laughing n not forgetting you've gotta have some very weird poses trying to get over untouched. *sweating*

Akira 思胜 提到...

Yeah, I think you are right! Anyway, I did not try that before, or maybe next time when I want to try it, I will ask someone to record down the funny poses I will do during the whole process! Haha. ^^

Anne 提到...

O.O seems fun oh~~ can i join boh? ^^ got any gift? if won? haha^0^

Akira 思胜 提到...

Of course u can join, hehe, why not u join the Leo Club in Ipoh? I bet u will have lotsa fun! Ok?

匿名 提到...


veronica 提到...


紫绵羊的心与情 提到...

我也很喜欢这类team-building course,可以在玩乐当中学习很多东西/

迷迭香 提到...

if it is you most probably will look better....^O^

Somewhere in Singapore 提到...

at first i thought u are the carema man... kekeke...

Akira 思胜 提到...

谢谢你的赞赏哦... 我还年轻嘛, 当然是要搞活动来充实自己咯...

可能你的孩子以后要你陪他们一起玩哦, 到时候你就跑不掉了...

看他们的样子, 是真的很好玩咯... 对啊, 这个游戏可以培养团体和合作精神咯...

Akira 思胜 提到...

是吗? 那么我得尝试看看效果是如何咯, 哈!

Haha, it is not me, that was other!!! haha... Akira is not that sexy lor...

Ryan Chin 提到...

i miss the time when i keep organising camp..
it was so fun!!!

Tau Sar Phneah 提到...

handsome and SEXYYYY ar???...lolz...

Zhaofarn 提到...

eh...why kok sheng go took a photo of my back...=_=....lol...

Akira 思胜 提到...

Long time no see! How are you there?
Yeah, it was fun after all!

Haha, handsome for the look and sexy for the pose! haha...

Akira 思胜 提到...

Zhao Farn:
Is it? Haha... Let see!

宿影 提到...


Fishyho 提到...

那躺大腿的需要互相的信任和腰力 >.<
那男的好像你 =p

Akira 思胜 提到...

是啊, 我中学就经常接触类似的活动咯, 到现在我还是在搞着呢... 嘻嘻...

哈, 原来你有玩过的哦, 其实那些游戏也是很普通而已, 只是真的是需要合作才能成功的咯...

那男的好像我? 开玩笑吧? 我没有他那么性感咯... 哈...

levian 提到...

you wanna record down the weird poses ?? *sweat* it's like you wanna remember those poses, instead of forgetting them. XD

Akira 思胜 提到...

Yeah, hopefully those poses and steps can be with my memories and last forever! Hehe, not a bad idea right?

amei79 提到...

all games seem interesting, some ever played it b4, but some new to me, like the spider web & 5 squares.

levian 提到...

herm .. i would choose to Forget it, in fact. it's like "done it, let's move on" .. XD

Akira 思胜 提到...

I see, maybe someday you will have the chance to play it, who knows? hehe...

Haha, I get what you mean! XD Suppose this moment can be restore in our memory but not to purposely record it down...

levian 提到...

indeed. especially not embarrassing moments. XD

Peter 提到...

wah wah.. the straw tower.. so many straw can use one ar? sure can do veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy tall de lo

Akira 思胜 提到...

Haha, when happy moments must record it down!!! And cherish them always...

Yup, they really can build a very tall straw tower that time...