It's tea time!!!
For the following day, we went to a Thai Fair which located at the Kota Bharu Stadium there. It was merely a fair full of Thai traditional clothes and food.
The Clothes Stalls
Thai Dessert, where they sold Mango Rice too!
Thai Mango Rice! I bet some of you had tried this before right? It is a mixture of sticky rice and mango. The taste? Yeah, it is sweet and yummy.
I like this! Thai Traditional Coconut Ice Cream.
The ice cream is a mixture of coconut ice cream, sticky rice, bread and nuts. It is a special ice cream around the area.
Thirsty now? We went to the beverage corner and bought some drinks. They used Ultraman-potter or bamboo to contain the drinks (Lychee, Chrysanthemum Tea or Orange Juice).
How cute! I love it!
I got these two Ultraman-potters at my room now, and I might think to give away one of this to my loyal supporters. hehe =p.
Talking about Thai Food, how can I miss out the well-known Mango Kerabu? Kak, satu Mango Kerabu!
You can either choose spicy or non-spicy for this Mango Kerabu. I prefer a bit spicy for it.
Just a funny photo for this, I treated this Mango Kerabu to my little Ultraman!
That's all for the Thai Fair, for tomorrow, I will post up the local cuisines at Kelantan. See ya tomorrow.
64 則留言:
Hmm..i never eat mango rice and kerabu before, seems tasty, next time i will try it! I want the ultraman potter haha, seems that whatever you have mentioned i also want, so ok, i will take the bear bear batik only, you give this to other la, hehe~ ^^
Waiting to see cuisines tomorrow k. =)
mango rice??? wah~ so special~ luks lyk very tasty er~ haha~
Ultraman-potters r cute~ ^^
kelantan…… kamu pukul banyak gambar~
haha, kelantanese have their slang...
i was late haha...
mango rice, i did try it before, but i cant consume too much as it will make ur stomach get full easily.
我吃过那芒果椰浆饭!很好吃,可是不能吃太多,会腻的 >.<
I wan tat ultraman potter neh!!!How come they put an orchid gea?
eat too much will fat not 腻 hehe....bila nak pergi again?
Haha, you want the Ultraman, can ah? hehe, stay tune for my announcement for the give away ya~~~
You want the batik also? hehe, greedy neh are u....
Ok, I will post up tmr, u must grab it ya~~~
Yup, it is very tasty, hehe... U din try before?
Yup, I know the slang there is quite different from the west coast... haha...
Geok Kee:
Yup, I cant have too much too, because it is too sticky for me... haha...
对啊, 特别是吃多的话, 很快就会饱了咯... 可是还是很好吃呢...
haha, just for the garnish only lar... haha...
hahaha, but that is last time lar... when wanna go ah, July kuk, wanna go?
i had the potter too, last time i went to Hattyai!!
Oh really? Give me 5!!! yeah... hehe...
muahahaa... food food food!!! mango kerabu seems nice, i never tried it before, BUT i would loved to try one someday! by the way, the ultraman potter is SO CUTE!!!
The manago rice, it seem a bit different from what i tried b4...
Mei Wah:
Yup, u should try up someday... hehe... Ur place there got such Thai Fair too?
Yeah, the potter is cute rite? hehe... I love them...
oh, how different ah?
i wanna try the 芒果椰浆饭...Do you KL got?
i am late again.... as usual >.<"
the ultraman cup is really cute ~
sticky rice = glutinous rice = 糯米right ? @_@ or coconut rice ?
Yup, I'm sure KL there will have this kind of mango rice... Maybe u can find it in Thai Fair or any Thai restaurant....
Yup, it is glutinous rice lor... hehe... wan to try some? hehe ^^
cute ah? then u wan or not ler? hehe, beware of the give away announcement ya... hehe...
mango rice~ i try once few month ago~hehe~ ^^ but not fr thai la~ home made fr alor setar~
tat kerabu i hvnt try o~~is it tasty? my father say is good o~ yummy~i wish i can taste it~
ultraman i wish i will hav tat plate of kerabu ~ hehe^^
ya lor, they are really cute, hehe... one of my collection...
hehe, of course the kerabu is nice and yummy lar... Akira choice wor... hehe... why not u go and try for once? hehe ^^
对啊, 我很喜欢那ULTRANMAN咯, 哈哈... 因为从小就很喜欢看他们的戏咯... 嘻嘻... 童心为泯咯... 哈...
mango Kalabu one plate ,mango banyak, sedikit chili!!
i like mango kalabu.
Sock Peng:
haha, me too, I like to eat Mango Kerabu, but still cannot eat too spicy, haha, or else had to order drinks again...
All images here let me think of the last trip of Thailand.I like the mango there,very smooth and sweet;and that special ice cream,not so sweet but natural.NICE! :D
Haha, go to Kelantan then can taste the local food there... Because just beyond the border only...
wei, i so late already still got meh ? o.O
i tot all given away liao ? no ? :p
desserts always make ppl happy~ i like the mango+.... tat one~
no ah, i din announce yet lor, see who can grab the chance lar... hehe...
Ya, dessert can make ppl happy too... hehe... wat is that? Never heard before...
u never heard 芒果河粉 before? it's kind of dessert with mango and special kuey teow mixed~ i think many dessert shop got sale it
never heard and see before wor... maybe u can introduce to us? hehe ^^ Thanks ya~~~
the ice cream looks like ice blended izzit?
not so colourful...
thanks for ur info ya... Yup, I saw the photos d... But I lived in Penang wor, how ah? hahaha.... u get one for me lar...
Choy Yin:
No ah, just normal coconut ice cream lor... Come to Penang, maybe u got chance to try it out... hehe...
Not so colourful? You mean? ^^ Not understand ler...
哈, 要我指出来我们童年看的卡通片吗? 有咸蛋超人,蒙面超人, 小叮当, 七龙珠, 什么什么战士啦, 哈哈... 太多了咯... 很怀旧呢...
ohhh..few days dint visit u here..u go kelantan for a trip o..i also went for the thai fair and tried the mango rice b4..quite special..haha
and the..tradisional ice cream err..seems so strange..haha
Sai Ling:
haha, long time no see u ler... heeh... How ya there?
Great, u have tried the mango rice before, delicious neh? hehe...
I'll plan a long trip before I leave Malaysia. :)
哈哈, 你过奖了咯... 嘻嘻... 我也是很会跑外面的人哦... 嗯, 你要我做你的导游的话, 可以啊, 早点跟我讲哦...
haha, you want to leave Malaysia? For permanent?
i love the mango rice!!!1
everytime there is a thai fair,
sure i will buy few of it..haha..
the ultraman so cute~~
Wow, glad to know that u love the mango rice too!
Yeah, the Ultraman is cute! hehe, that's why I love it...
i like mango rice very very much!!!! long time never eat liao. next time here got thai fair, must go and buy.
the ultraman is cute! i go to your house and get it. wakakakaka.
haha, yup, if got Thai Fair, make sure u go and grab it... haha... U wan the Ultraman ah? hehe... see how lar...
Hi Akira
The one that i eat not so many colour as the one u eat.... :)
hey're eating a lot hehehe...give me some haha
I see, the mango rice rite? hehe... u can choose the colour also mar...
对咯, 已经不是上次的感觉了, 可能是觉得不好看了咯... 哈... 现在啊, 要看ANIME!!! 这才好看呢...
haha, u wan ah? ok ah, no problem... hehe... come and get it lar...
欸,这句说得好,说得棒!要看得完都不行呢,多得不得了,仙境啊!哇哈哈!*疯子* XD
哈哈, 这么说的话, 你每天都在赶看ANIME咯? 哈哈... 我最近比较少看咯.. 因为忙嘛... XD
对啊, 我也是一样咯... 最近疯上写部落格咯, 希望可以做出最好的给大家... 我下载很多部了, 可是还是没时间去看咯.. 等我考试完, 我就会开始血拼了, 哇哈哈...
哈哈, 还没到半年咯... 严格来说是三个月而已咯... 哈哈, 见笑了啦...
i have mango rice b4... yummy nia..... i like the cute cute Ultraman-potters..... very cute nia :P
我去年十二月开始部落格咯, 可惜我二月才真正开始呢... 嘻嘻...
haha, u are rite!!!