Gomen Nasai Kikey-san!
Sorry ya Kikey, I forgot to the tag you passed to me on April 5! It is April 5, gosh! As promised, I will do it on this week and here it comes! Just a little bit about myself!
1. Rate your life from 1-10 (1 being very miserable)
A: 7 (Why? Because I haven't start to earn income and build my own family yet!)
2. Is your hair long or short?
A: Short (I prefer my hair to be short, nicer!)
3. Do you have many real friends?
A: Yes (Are you telling me to list out that? =p)
4. Name friends you last hung out with?
A: Boon Wah and Ye-ling (Yeah, we went for hiking yesterday!)
5. Do you love chicken?
A: Nope! (Because I like to eat chicken, not to love it!)
6. Last three drinks you had?
A: Mineral Water, Pat Poh Milk and White Coffee (Yeah, I love to drink Mineral Water!)
7. Do you eat fish?
A: Yes (That's absolutely correct, and I love to eat salmon the most!)
8. Do people mispronounce or spell your name incorrectly?
A: Yes (Get used to it already!)
9. Who was the last person you hugged?
A: Boon Wah (Oops, that was on his birthday!)
10. Last girl you think about?
A: Hmm... let me think a while... (Smart!)
11. Any food that made you smile today?
A: Nope (Because I missed the chance of getting McDonald breakfast again!)
12. Name one thing you have in common with your friends?
A: Talking and sharing experiences. (Well, this is pretty true in my life!)
13. Do you trust your friends?
A: Sometimes (Of course is sometimes, because it depends!)
14. How old will you be after five years?
A: 28 (Suppose it will be the time to get marry?)
15. Do you believe in love?
A: Yup (But sometimes love is hurt! and sometimes love heals my life!)
16. Except for family and friends, who are you in love with?
A: The one I love the most! (Of course I love money, travel, and my life too!)
17. Do you honestly believe you have found the right guy/girl?
A: I will answer this on my engagement! (I hope to find the right girl in my life too!)
18. Are you someone’s best friend?
A: Yes, I am. (Am I the best friend for my friends too? Yes!)
19. Do you love music?
A: Hai! (Yeah, I can't live without it!)
20. Last song you listened to?
A. 专属天使 Guardian Angel - TANK (I have listened to this since few days ago!)
21. What’s the instrument you wish you were able to play?
A: Violin! (That was part of my dream!)
22. Who was the last person you talked to?
A: Ryan (Before I left the Wesak Day Celebration just now!)
23. Who was the last person to call you?
A: Ryan (Because he wanted to meet me just now!)
24. Would you consider yourself a worrier?
A: Nope (I'm pretty sure I can solve problems always!)
25. Do you consider yourself as a happy person?
A: Most of the time, yeah! (Of course must be happy, or you want me to be sad? Gosh!)
26. Do you believe in saving yourself for marriage?
A: Yup (I hope to build the dream family with my love ones!)
27. Last person that pissed you off?
A: Crazy Girl (This is the nickname I gave to her, because she is very annoyed!)
28. From whom have you missed the most calls in the last 5 days?
A: Boon Wah (Because that time I took my shower, dude!)
29. Who’s the first person you call when you’re having a bad day?
A: Hmm, let me think ya! I will let you know later... (Smart again!)
30. Last person who made you laugh like crazy?
A: Raymond (He is the most humorous friend I ever met!)
31. Who’s your greatest inspiration in life?
A: Can I say Donald Trump? (Yeah, because I watched The Apprentice seasons until so addicted to it!)
32. Are you a good guesser?
A: Hmm, ya... (Sometimes I can guess correctly, but not 4 ekor please!)
33. Who was the last person to sing your current favorite song and what song?
A: Ben - 原来爱! (Of course is the singer dude!)
34. Who makes you laugh the most?
A: PP (Yeah! Are you looking to this answer now? Did I make you laugh also?)
35. What have you been telling yourself lately?
A: I wanna sleep and take more rest! (I did not sleep well recently, that's why!)
Yeah, yeah and yeah! Finally I have done all the questions!
Hmm, I just want to tag 1 friend only!
Tang tang tang, the lucky person is Dragon!
Yeah, it is you!
Kikey has already tagged you for so long time, I think this is the time for you to do it! *evil-laughing*
41 則留言:
sofa!for the very first time!!!hahahaha!!!
wah, u are really fast and for the very first time!! Congratz!
ehem ehem... don't forget the tag that you owe me ar! *wink*wink*
Mei Wah:
haha, no problem! I will do that next week!
sorry arh...may i knw wat is tag ??
Ling Ling:
It is about passing the game to another friends and increase your page rank... ^^
My frn got a tag with 100 questionsss!!! Lol... You got only 35, so lucky you, Akira!
Finally.... u did...
thanks ya Akira... muaks.. :*
we both tagged the lazy uncle dragon, i guess he have to "buy" our face to do it! haha.. :D
aiyo!!!!! why me????? buy both of your face? how to buy? i'm lazy la. somemore, such a long list. let me think first la. if im free, i will do la. no promise one ar.
aunty dragon tagged again~~^^
me safe~~
anyway~ who did tis tagged? so long list~ x.X
tagged since april 5th ?? you're so dead. XD
haha, 100 questions I dont want to do lor, lazy~~~ hehe...
Sorry ya, I left out the tag for so long time... hehe, ya lor, tag him!!! wanna see he do it!!!
Hmm, is u lar, destiny mar!!! hahaha... try to do it lar, give us some facey mar... hehe...
haha, u are welcome...
ya lor, tag him again! U are safe lar, or u wan me to tag u ah? hehe...
Ya lor, I'm so so dead, I still got one tag forgot to do... hahaha...
anne, hahaha, after i do, i tag u lo.... wakakakakakaka.
haha, ai meh... ok lar, u tag her later lar...
To Anne:
U are dead meat ler... hehehe...
this tag is shorter than mei wah's one...
so lucky u r !
her one is super long and make me @@
haha...u always been tagged o?
小猪 . 维维恩:
Haha, u should below 1... I tagged Mei Wah that time... hehe...
Forever HL:
haha, can be say so lor...
Akira,you're so popular to be tagged.wakakaka...
haha, why lar? u also wan to tag me as well?
真的是咯, 不然龙大叔也不知道要TAG谁啦... 哈...
Uncle Dragon=龙大叔
or u wan,
Aunty Dragon=龙大婶?
我当然懂怎样写啦, 别忘记我是死神哦... 哈..
你不知道吗? 你去看我上星期的TAG咯, 都有写我的外号是死神咯... 哎, 这证明你没好好看我的资料咯...
哈哈, 只可惜我没有死亡笔记咯... 有的话, 我想要咯...
Thanks for sharing oh~ >.<
Ya you always get tagged, so popular, hehe~ =P
Next time if i get tagged, you are the first one i want to tag too haha~
Knowing you more and more~^^
You are mostly welcome ya~~~
haha, of course you can tag me next time, but make sure u remind me to do the tag oh... hehe...
好毒啊..... 我是不是该先下手为强
哈哈, 你要先下手为强? 可以吗? 我是死神耶!
我当了七年半的鬼咧,功力高深 leh~~
哈哈, 我跟你不同咯, 你是鬼, 我是死神, 阶级难免比你高一点... 哈...
哈哈, 因为我名字的缘故啦, 思胜=死神, 朋友就是这么给我的...
跟你说话, 好像真的跟鬼说话一样...
死神,你是神咩? 是恶魔吧....
是恶魔啊? 哈...