2008年5月18日 星期日

Tag again!??? About myself again!???

Gomen Nasai Kikey-san!

Sorry ya Kikey, I forgot to the tag you passed to me on April 5! It is April 5, gosh! As promised, I will do it on this week and here it comes! Just a little bit about myself!

1. Rate your life from 1-10 (1 being very miserable)
A: 7 (Why? Because I haven't start to earn income and build my own family yet!)

2. Is your hair long or short?
A: Short (I prefer my hair to be short, nicer!)

3. Do you have many real friends?
A: Yes (Are you telling me to list out that? =p)

4. Name friends you last hung out with?
A: Boon Wah and Ye-ling (Yeah, we went for hiking yesterday!)

5. Do you love chicken?
A: Nope! (Because I like to eat chicken, not to love it!)

6. Last three drinks you had?
A: Mineral Water, Pat Poh Milk and White Coffee (Yeah, I love to drink Mineral Water!)

7. Do you eat fish?
A: Yes (That's absolutely correct, and I love to eat salmon the most!)

8. Do people mispronounce or spell your name incorrectly?
A: Yes (Get used to it already!)

9. Who was the last person you hugged?
A: Boon Wah (Oops, that was on his birthday!)

10. Last girl you think about?
A: Hmm... let me think a while... (Smart!)

11. Any food that made you smile today?
A: Nope (Because I missed the chance of getting McDonald breakfast again!)

12. Name one thing you have in common with your friends?
A: Talking and sharing experiences. (Well, this is pretty true in my life!)

13. Do you trust your friends?
A: Sometimes (Of course is sometimes, because it depends!)

14. How old will you be after five years?
A: 28 (Suppose it will be the time to get marry?)

15. Do you believe in love?
A: Yup (But sometimes love is hurt! and sometimes love heals my life!)

16. Except for family and friends, who are you in love with?
A: The one I love the most! (Of course I love money, travel, and my life too!)

17. Do you honestly believe you have found the right guy/girl?
A: I will answer this on my engagement! (I hope to find the right girl in my life too!)

18. Are you someone’s best friend?
A: Yes, I am. (Am I the best friend for my friends too? Yes!)

19. Do you love music?
A: Hai! (Yeah, I can't live without it!)

20. Last song you listened to?
A. 专属天使 Guardian Angel - TANK (I have listened to this since few days ago!)

21. What’s the instrument you wish you were able to play?
A: Violin! (That was part of my dream!)

22. Who was the last person you talked to?
A: Ryan (Before I left the Wesak Day Celebration just now!)

23. Who was the last person to call you?
A: Ryan (Because he wanted to meet me just now!)

24. Would you consider yourself a worrier?
A: Nope (I'm pretty sure I can solve problems always!)

25. Do you consider yourself as a happy person?
A: Most of the time, yeah! (Of course must be happy, or you want me to be sad? Gosh!)

26. Do you believe in saving yourself for marriage?
A: Yup (I hope to build the dream family with my love ones!)

27. Last person that pissed you off?
A: Crazy Girl (This is the nickname I gave to her, because she is very annoyed!)

28. From whom have you missed the most calls in the last 5 days?
A: Boon Wah (Because that time I took my shower, dude!)

29. Who’s the first person you call when you’re having a bad day?
A: Hmm, let me think ya! I will let you know later... (Smart again!)

30. Last person who made you laugh like crazy?
A: Raymond (He is the most humorous friend I ever met!)

31. Who’s your greatest inspiration in life?
A: Can I say Donald Trump? (Yeah, because I watched The Apprentice seasons until so addicted to it!)

32. Are you a good guesser?
A: Hmm, ya... (Sometimes I can guess correctly, but not 4 ekor please!)

33. Who was the last person to sing your current favorite song and what song?
A: Ben - 原来爱! (Of course is the singer dude!)

34. Who makes you laugh the most?
A: PP (Yeah! Are you looking to this answer now? Did I make you laugh also?)

35. What have you been telling yourself lately?
A: I wanna sleep and take more rest! (I did not sleep well recently, that's why!)

Yeah, yeah and yeah! Finally I have done all the questions!
Hmm, I just want to tag 1 friend only!
Tang tang tang, the lucky person is Dragon!
Yeah, it is you!

Kikey has already tagged you for so long time, I think this is the time for you to do it! *evil-laughing*

41 則留言:


sofa!for the very first time!!!hahahaha!!!

Akira 思胜 提到...

wah, u are really fast and for the very first time!! Congratz!

Mei-Wah 提到...

ehem ehem... don't forget the tag that you owe me ar! *wink*wink*

Akira 思胜 提到...

Mei Wah:
haha, no problem! I will do that next week!

HappY LinG 提到...

sorry arh...may i knw wat is tag ??

Akira 思胜 提到...

Ling Ling:
It is about passing the game to another friends and increase your page rank... ^^

Barbie 提到...

My frn got a tag with 100 questionsss!!! Lol... You got only 35, so lucky you, Akira!

Kikey Loo 提到...

Finally.... u did...
thanks ya Akira... muaks.. :*

we both tagged the lazy uncle dragon, i guess he have to "buy" our face to do it! haha.. :D

Dragon 提到...

aiyo!!!!! why me????? buy both of your face? how to buy? i'm lazy la. somemore, such a long list. let me think first la. if im free, i will do la. no promise one ar.

Anne 提到...

aunty dragon tagged again~~^^
me safe~~
anyway~ who did tis tagged? so long list~ x.X

levian 提到...

tagged since april 5th ?? you're so dead. XD

Akira 思胜 提到...

haha, 100 questions I dont want to do lor, lazy~~~ hehe...

Sorry ya, I left out the tag for so long time... hehe, ya lor, tag him!!! wanna see he do it!!!

Hmm, is u lar, destiny mar!!! hahaha... try to do it lar, give us some facey mar... hehe...

Akira 思胜 提到...

haha, u are welcome...

ya lor, tag him again! U are safe lar, or u wan me to tag u ah? hehe...

Ya lor, I'm so so dead, I still got one tag forgot to do... hahaha...

Dragon 提到...

anne, hahaha, after i do, i tag u lo.... wakakakakakaka.

Akira 思胜 提到...

haha, ai meh... ok lar, u tag her later lar...

To Anne:
U are dead meat ler... hehehe...

匿名 提到...

this tag is shorter than mei wah's one...
so lucky u r !
her one is super long and make me @@

ƒörèvër HL 提到...

haha...u always been tagged o?

Akira 思胜 提到...

小猪 . 维维恩:
Haha, u should below 1... I tagged Mei Wah that time... hehe...

Forever HL:
haha, can be say so lor...

匿名 提到...

Akira,you're so popular to be tagged.wakakaka...

Anne 提到...


Akira 思胜 提到...

haha, why lar? u also wan to tag me as well?

真的是咯, 不然龙大叔也不知道要TAG谁啦... 哈...

Dragon 提到...


Akira 思胜 提到...

Uncle Dragon=龙大叔
or u wan,
Aunty Dragon=龙大婶?


Dragon 提到...


Akira 思胜 提到...

我当然懂怎样写啦, 别忘记我是死神哦... 哈..

levian 提到...


Akira 思胜 提到...

你不知道吗? 你去看我上星期的TAG咯, 都有写我的外号是死神咯... 哎, 这证明你没好好看我的资料咯...



Akira 思胜 提到...

哈哈, 只可惜我没有死亡笔记咯... 有的话, 我想要咯...

Chobits 提到...

Thanks for sharing oh~ >.<
Ya you always get tagged, so popular, hehe~ =P
Next time if i get tagged, you are the first one i want to tag too haha~
Knowing you more and more~^^

Akira 思胜 提到...

You are mostly welcome ya~~~
haha, of course you can tag me next time, but make sure u remind me to do the tag oh... hehe...


好毒啊..... 我是不是该先下手为强

Akira 思胜 提到...

哈哈, 你要先下手为强? 可以吗? 我是死神耶!


我当了七年半的鬼咧,功力高深 leh~~

Akira 思胜 提到...

哈哈, 我跟你不同咯, 你是鬼, 我是死神, 阶级难免比你高一点... 哈...

levian 提到...


Akira 思胜 提到...

哈哈, 因为我名字的缘故啦, 思胜=死神, 朋友就是这么给我的...



Akira 思胜 提到...

跟你说话, 好像真的跟鬼说话一样...


死神,你是神咩? 是恶魔吧....

Akira 思胜 提到...

是恶魔啊? 哈...